Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Welcome to Waiting for Monday. I'm so glad you stopped by!

Let me introduce myself. I am a 30-something woman. I am a wife and a mother. I am, first and foremost, a daughter of God. I am on a journey - a life journey toward His heart. My journey has taken some very painful turns - turns I never expected!

Waiting for Monday is my place to explore my family's journey through what is commonly known as a "forced termination" from the church where my husband was serving as pastor.

Like the story of your own life, my story cannot be told in just a sentence or two. But if you stick around long enough, it will come together, like the pieces of a complicated, often confusing puzzle.
I have started this blog as a way to share my story. I know that there are many, many others who are experiencing what my family and I are going through. I hope that, by sharing our journey, they might be encouraged in their own. I feel that, if I can help just one or two other hurting people, my pain will all, somehow, seem a little less pointless.

I have decided to share my story anonymously. This will let me share the details of my story without pointing fingers at specific individuals.

If you connect with my story, I would love for you to leave me a note and tell me so.

If I can share your journey by praying for you, please let me know. I would covet your prayers for me and my family!

Please call me

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